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Threatened Common Property Resource System and Factors for Resilience: Lessons Drawn from Serege-Commons in Muhur, Ethiopia

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Type: Journal Article
Author: Dessalegn, Mengistu
Journal: Ecology and Society
Volume: 21
Date: 2017
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10535/10227
Sector: General & Multiple Resources
Region: Africa
Subject(s): complex systems
social-ecological systems
common pool resources
Abstract: "This ethnographic case study of serege-commons, communal pasture and forest in Muhur, Ethiopia, demonstrates the socially complex nature of the common property resource (CPR) system, including the factors behind its resilience and sustained operation. It reveals the multifaceted and interacting local processes that maintain the commons in the face of political economic processes that challenge common property management. The study shows how CPR use, crop cultivation, alternative livelihood strategies, out-migration, collective herding practices, management practices, and alternative sources of compliance interact, and these interacting processes reinforce each other and maintain a resilient CPR system. This study argues that there is not one single cause for sustainable CPR regimes. Instead, the resilience and sustained operation of the CPR system are due to a mix of interdependent elements and inter-reinforcing linkages related to CPR operations, and their interactions within complex social-ecological systems."

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