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The Commons as Containment: Zimbabwe's Village Republics of the 1990s

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dc.contributor.author Hughes, David McDermott
dc.date.accessioned 2009-11-30T19:27:27Z
dc.date.available 2009-11-30T19:27:27Z
dc.date.issued 2005 en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10535/5234
dc.description.abstract "Environmental conservation makes space and spatial space. Eighteenth-century French scientists first gained an understanding of the climate by studying deforestation and desiccation on Mauritius and similar islands. They then conceived of the 'environment' itself and, in terms of scale, of the global environment. In Lefebvre's (1991) terms, this seminal 'production of space' has yielded a corresponding set of environmentalist 'spatial practices.' As geographers increasingly recognize, environmentalists erect and police many of the scales of Smith's 'spatialized politics': body, home, community, urban, region, nation, and global. "Through representations that I call 'third nature,' those politics also make time. First nature refers to a pristine, pre-human environment, now understood as purely historical or mythical. Second nature refers to the environment as worked by people and shaped by extraction, agriculture, markets, and other anthropogenic factors. Third nature refers not to these observable factors but to the potential landforms and plants and animals of a given area. Speculation, rather than exploitation, produces third nature." en_US
dc.language English en_US
dc.subject commons en_US
dc.subject conservation en_US
dc.subject environmentalism en_US
dc.subject tourism en_US
dc.subject rural affairs en_US
dc.title The Commons as Containment: Zimbabwe's Village Republics of the 1990s en_US
dc.type Conference Paper en_US
dc.type.published unpublished en_US
dc.type.methodology Case Study en_US
dc.coverage.region Africa en_US
dc.coverage.country Zimbabwe en_US
dc.subject.sector General & Multiple Resources en_US
dc.subject.sector Social Organization en_US
dc.identifier.citationconference Defending the Commons, International Association for the Study of Common Property en_US
dc.identifier.citationconfdates May 20, 2005 en_US
dc.identifier.citationconfloc Washington, DC en_US

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