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E. P. Thompson en Chile: Solidaridad, historia y poesía de un intelectual militante
(Ariadna Ediciones, 2024) Heufemann, Fernando; Heufemann, Ana Amélia; Heufemann, João Ernani
Edward Palmer Thompson (1924-1993) can undoubtedly be considered one of those historians who founded the perspective of English social history, along with Eric Hobsbawn, Raymond Williams, Christopher Hill, Rodney Hilton and George Rudé, among others. This approach emphasizes the view through which historical processes are constructed from popular subjects, who burst in "from below" in the formation of movements and expressions of rebellion that constitute a fertile field of historiographic analysis. However, E. P. Thompson was not only an outstanding historian, he was also a militant intellectual committed to causes in favor of peace, disarmament and the anti-nuclear struggle. He was also a vehement anti-fascist fighter and this book arises precisely from his inspired poem dedicated to comrade Salvador Allende, after learning about the coup d'état and the death of the president in La Moneda Palace.
Construyendo barrio organizado Saberes comunitarios hacia una vida digna
(Ariadna Ediciones, 2024) Heufemann, Alconda; Heufemann, Sebastián; Heufemann, Victoria; Heufemann, Sebastián; Heufemann, Patricia
This book was built with the collective effort of a tremendous history of struggle that precedes us, the struggle for a Dignified Life hand in hand with a Public and Community Education that is at the service of its neighborhoods and communities. We join this long journey to think and create a neighborhood with the School as a common space, a School that dialogues with the neighborhood, that can support the processes that the spaces and organizations with which it is linked experience and that these spaces also allow it to grow in all its dimensions. Having the School in Our Hands.
We propose that you join us on this journey through the history of the Franklin Neighborhood, of the Territorial Coordinator for the Intercultural Dignified Neighborhood and of the organizations that give it life. That you accompany us through the journeys, knowledge and experiences that have emerged in connection with this struggle to have our homes and our school as a fundamental space for an organized life.
El paisaje cultural del pisco y su patrimonio mestizo
(Ariadna Ediciones, 2024) Loyola Tapia, Pablo; Loyola Tapia, Juan Carlos
The aim of this book is to describe and explain the main characteristics of pisco landscapes and their cultural heritage. It is about identifying and making visible the multiple threads that link this industrial activity with economic, social and cultural life, in order to understand the long historical process of joint construction of the landscape, in which the various human groups that inhabit and have inhabited the territory participated, including indigenous peoples and Spanish conquerors, Creoles and mestizos, immigrants and travelers. Between all of them, through a long and eventful historical process, these landscapes were shaped, in which pisco has played a central role as a sociocultural and economic articulator. The uniqueness that this landscape acquires and that gives it a heritage character lies in the way in which human work has been articulated with its environment. The ideals of biophilia, topophilia and their expression in a bioarchitecture or organic architecture – that is, the attachment and accommodation to territorially located living processes – acquire material form in the constructive dimensions that rise in the narrow valleys of the Norte Chico. The three ideas (biophilia, topophilia and organic architecture) find an expression that reaffirms the regional vocation over the foreign models and interests that would like to be imposed on it.
Bosques, comunidades y monocultivos: Transformaciones de la industria forestal desde el Sur de Chile (1974 – 2010)
(Ariadna Ediciones, 2024) Monje Hernández, Katiuska
Changes in forestry activity in Chile, especially in recent times, have become an area of growing research and social interest. The incorporation of exotic species into the Chilean forest matrix, accelerated by Decree Law 701 established during the dictatorship, has transformed the landscape and nature of the center-south of the country. This has generated a new configuration of rural living, highlighting the tensions, transformations and limitations of the extractive model, as an expression of the globalized configuration of neoliberal capitalism.
(2024) Doloi, Gargi
Junbeel Mela is a traditional fair of the Tiwa tribe of Assam, India which has been a cultural event for centuries and is known for its barter system and cultural activities. However, the process of modernization has brought some changes
in the economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects of the Mela. This paper aims to analyze the effects of modernization on Junbeel Mela with special reference to the aspects of continuity and change. Based on ethnographic observations, interviews with the members of the Mela community, and historical records, this paper examines how
modernization has impacted Mela’s practices and how some aspects of the culture have remained intact. The study
indicates that although the process of modernization has affected the barter system in terms of commercialization and
its partial disappearance, the main cultural practices and the values of totemism remain stable. The paper concludes with a discussion on the future of Junbeel Mela based on these changes and recommendations on how to strike a
balance between tradition and modernity to ensure that Mela remains culturally relevant.