Role of Community in Irrigation Management: Sustainability of Traditional Water Harvesting Practices in South India
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"Many of the developing countries including India are endowed with a variety of natural resources which have helped In crop diversity and growth. In India a substantial share of budgetary resources apart from Private Investments have been made on irrigation development each year. Historically also many of the rulers, kings and local leaders have evinced keen interest in developing irrigation structures. Statistics show that the overall irrigated area in the world rose from an estimated 8 million hectares in the year 1800 to 260 million hectares in 1994. India and China have contributed to as much as 40 per cent of the increase from developing countries. But the productivity per unit of water is very low in India due to various management factors.
"Since there is a natural limit on the water availability for irrigation, due to decrease in the annual rainfall and other factors, efforts must be made towards conserving water. In most of the areas the problem with minor irrigation is that of the receding water table. Of late the policy makers have realised the need for reviving traditional irrigation structures. In the recent past many tanks have become defunct and those which are functional have reduced capacity to irrigate owing to the bad management practices. In scanty rainfall areas the water from seasonal streams are harvested by constructing pickups at suitable locations and it is very popular in coconut belts of Karnataka.
"This study examines the institutional factors responsible for the deterioration of tank irrigation, the community management practices for tanks and pickups and an assessment of the sustainability of the management practices towards rehabilitating the tanks for irrigation."
IASC, irrigation, community, water resources