Monitoring Priority/Priority Dangerous Substances in the Somes-Tisa River Basin: Results and Interpretation

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"Ensuring the quality management of the water source in the hydrographic basin Someș-Tisa, in the acception of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, to reach to the good ecological status, involves the establishment of integrated monitoring and of some action plans for those sources that generate priority/priority dangerous substances (list I/ list II) in order to eliminate/decrease the pollution of the aquatic environment. The results of the monitoring put into light the areas of industrial/human activity generating chemical compounds under the incidence of EU Directive 2006/11/EC, replacing EU Directive 76/464/EC (the pollution due to discharges of dangerous substances in aquatic environment), as well as the level of pollution induced by them. From the analysis of the data base, the constitution at the level of the hydrographic basin Someș-Tisa, realized in concordance with the requirements of the legislation in the area of the management of the water source, the way of action and the measures needed to reach the level of compliance with the terms established in the Position Document between Romania and European Commission about Chapter 22 - Environment was adopted. The concreting of the diligences to comply with the EU Directive 2006/11/EC shall be realized in the report to elaborate at the end of the period of transition for the substances from List I (31.12.2009), as well as by applying the Management Plan of Someș-Tisa River Basin."



monitoring and sanctioning, action research, evaluation

