Access to Forest Resources in the Context of Fast Track Land Reforms: Impacts on Local Level Dynamics: Lessons Drawn from the Zimbabwean Land Reform Programme
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"The research focused on access to and control of forest resources in former commercial farming areas by communal people in Seke. Primary data were collected from Mhindurwa and Mangwende villages using structured interviews, key informant interviews and observations. Secondary data were collected through documentary review and participation during the 'fire wood week' that was jointly run by the Forestry Commission and the Department of Natural Resources. The results indicate that rules to accessing forest resources have changed following the 'fast track land reform' in Zimbabwe and this has prompted the communal communities to seek alternative fuel sources. The results obtained indicated an interaction of policy options and how these alter local level dynamics, which in turn influence the nature of and management of forest resources."
IASC, forest policy, land tenure and use, community forestry