Development of Fire Prevention for Community Commons after 1991 Eastbay Fire

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"On 20th October 1991, some part of Oakland and Berkeley, California experienced a devastating fire causing 25 death and over 3,000 homes were lost. It has been 21 years since the fire and many houses have been reconstructed. The danger and causes of possible future fire have been identified and high emphasis has been placed on to the vegetation management of the area. Many improvements have been made not only by the local governmental to prepare for the situation and to raise the awareness of the resident, but also residents responded by meeting the regulation and standards that have been enforced by the local authorities. There is one plot of land, two and half acres of open field, owned by neighbors group. The community commons that were started in 1978 by putting money with some neighbors to purchase the neighboring unstructured open land to keep the surrounding environment from the residential development. They have been continuing to manage the land since then. The open field which contains trees and grasses that might become fuels for the fire is strictly inspected by the fire department. This paper explains how community commons is protected and managed to prevent from the future possible fire/disaster. The procedures and efforts of both the administration, namely local government and fire department, and the neighborhood organization are explained and analyzed from the community-based disaster management point of view."



fire protection, CBRM, community development, IASC

