Use of Common Property Resources (CPR) by Rural Population in Different Ecological Habitats in Karnataka, India: A Case Study


"Altitude, topography, rainfall, soil type and vegetation type vary rapidly over a short distance in north-west Karnataka of India. Along a 160 km transect drawn from west to east in this region following five distinct ecological zones are: 1. estuarine-coastal plains, 2. forested foothills, 3. wet undulated hilltops, 4. moderate rainfall plateau, 5. arid plateau. High cultural diversity is observed in these zones relating the CPR use of the village communities inhabited by endogamous caste groups. Each group has a specific hereditary occupation and resource use pattern. On average 75% of families in these villages depend regularly on common pool resources that come from habitats located within 10 km from their home to meet demands of fuel, fodder, manure, house-building, food and to pursue specific occupations. Diversity in types and extent of use of common pool resources between different zones is explained in terms of ecological factors and modes of resource production. High specificity and diversification between groups in the same locality are observed in the use of common pool resources relating occupations. Many of these common pool resources have been documented to be in sustained use for a very long time. Stability of traditional population, resource base, value system and technology are discussed."



common pool resources, water resources, ecosystems, land tenure and use, village organization, caste system, social organization, IASC

