Excluding the Poor from Their Rights: The Case of Natural Resources in West Bengal

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"I am presenting today on a three year seven village study looking at natural and social resource use by the poor in West Bengal. The study was conducted between 1993 and the end of 1996, and follows from work that I had done between 1986 and 1990 on a similar topic (Beck 1994; 1994a). This is the first time to our knowledge that use of natural resources by the poor has been covered systematically in a study in either post-independence West Bengal, or Bangladesh (although I believe there has been some research on this topic recently by Syed Hashemi in Bangladesh). This is itself an interesting point, because there have been several other studies of CPR use elsewhere in South Asia, so as well as all the other biases against recognition of the importance of CPRs there is also in this case a geographical bias to which I will return. For further details of the study see Ghosh (1988)."



IASC, common pool resources, resource management, social organization, village organization--case study

