Participatory Irrigation Management in Andhra Pradesh, India: Policy Implementation and Transformation in the Tungabhadra Right Bank Low Level Canal
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"This paper discusses the implementation of irrigation reform policy in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. It reports on the impact of the introduction of participatory irrigation management (PIM) in two secondary canals (distributaries) in the Tungabhadra Right Bank Low Level Canal irrigation system. The findings are that the rural elite has captured most of the seats in the water users associations' managing committees, that committee membership is strongly linked to party politics, that a significant amount of physical rehabilitation works have been undertaken resulting in a technically improved canal system, that the reform has had no significant impact on water distribution so far and has not lead to increase in irrigated area (unlike in some other parts of the State), and that the relationship between Irrigation Department and water users is 'in flux' but is yet to qualitatively change. Despite this capturing of the policy by the rural elite, a framework has been created that in principle allows far- reaching reforms. However, special efforts are required to achieve the stated objectives of equitable and democratic irrigation management. It is unlikely that existing government agencies will be able to address these issues effectively."
IASC, common pool resources, water users' associations, irrigation, policy analysis, participatory management, devolution, institutional analysis