Effects of Different Sources of Water on Water Hyacinth Growth Performance

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"The experiment was designed to evaluate water hyacinth growth performance using water sources with varied physico-chernical characteristics. The sources were distilled water, sewage water, lake water, bore hole water and tap water. Water hyacinth was grown for 12 weeks at the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research, New Bussa in the different media. The distilled water hydrogen ion concentration (pH) was neutral (pH 7,0) while sewage and lake water were slightly acidic (pH 6.4 and 6.7) but bore hole and tap water samples were slightly alkaline (pH 7.9 and 8.3, respectively). There was a significant difference (CD >1) in the conductivity o samples from different sources. The experiment indicated that the higher nutrient content of the sewage water as shown by conductivity levels was responsible for the higher growth responses of water hyacinth than the rest of the samples. Plants grown in sewage water showed an increase in leaf and stalk length of 45% and 39%, respectively. There was a positive significant (p < 0.05) relationship between the conductivity of the different water sources and weight gained by the plant grown in them (r = 0.87). Similarly, between conductivity and vegetation reproduction r = 0.95 (p <0.05)."



water resources, plants, invasive species

