Applying the Concept of the Informal Economy to Labor Market Changes in Developed Countries: What Can be Learned
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"With this paper, I examine how the concept of informal economy can be applied in developed country contexts, paying particular attention to informal employment per se. Rather, than simply drawing an analogy between informal employment and various forms of employment that diverge from the historical norm of paid employment in developed countries, I attempt to use the definition of informal economy (particularly informal employment) and some of the thinking that have emerged out of developing countries analyses and apply them to developed countries. In order to get a handle on whether and how the concept of the informal economy applies to labor market patterns in developed countries, I address the issue in three ways. First, how the broad notion of informal economy relates to developed economies. Second, how some theories about the informal economy, relate to changes in employment in developed countries.. I will focus primarily on the relationship between informality and regulation. Third, how the statistical definition of informal employment, the International Conference of Labor Statisticians definition, can be used in the case of developed countries labor markets. The paper closes by revisiting the positives and caveats regarding bridging developing and developed country analyses."
developing countries, informality