Traditional Forest Knowledge (TFK), Commons and Forest Landscape Management: An Indian Perspective
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"Forests in the mountain societies is a part of a cultural landscape linked to livelihood concerns for those living close to nature and natural resources, whilst for Forest Department it means management for timber extraction. In the present day context, where forest resources are rapidly being degraded, the issues involved are about sustainable forestry for economic benefits (timber and non timber forest products (NTFPs) to the society, and conservation of biodiversity in the given landscape. Traditional Forest Knowledge (TFK) operating at the ecological/social process levels is a more recent development, and is a powerful tool for sustainable forestry at a cultural landscape level, with tangible and intangible being derived through what is sculptured by traditional societies around them .Very often, intangible elements have tangible implications at all scalar dimensions species, and ecosystem, and landscape levels. The emerging view point that socio-culturally valued species often are ecologically valuable keystone species and that community centered sacred groves and sacred landscapes which are held as commons too have implications for sustainable forest management, conservation and rehabilitation. Economic evaluation of NTFPs, their sustainable harvest and management, linked with sustainable timber extraction are linked with TFK available with forest communities. The way traditional societies manipulate and in the process also conserve biodiversity linked with sustainable use determine ecological processes at the biophysical level, with implication for participatory sustainable management of natural resources with development concerns of traditional societies. The case studies in Indian Himalayas provide that how the altitude zones and dependent communities utilize plant diversity by utilizing different spaces at given landscape, selective collection and preserving NTFPs resources. The historical interaction between geography, culture and polity of evolution of deity institutions and managing village and sacred commons has been attempted. Tradition knowledge systems remain deeply influenced by religious-cultural customs and religious commons that continuous to have bearing on the secular processes of decision- making both at the personal and the community level. Development planning and administration must therefore take into account the belief systems and community created commons, traditional management systems and historically created community consciousness that still remain powerful motivators for sustainable forest landscape management."
forest management, indigenous knowledge, landscape change, livelihoods, biodiversity, resource management, sustainability