Expanding the Impacts of Social Forestry Programs in Developing Countries
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"Most rural people in developing countries rely on trees for fuel, building materials, food, fodder, and medicines for their own use and for sale. Traditional systems to manage forest resources can be effective. However, increasing populations, growing external demand for wood, and changing land tenure systems can severely inhibit these traditional management systems. As a result, many millions of people face a declining forest resource base, a critical scarcity of forest products, and intensified rural poverty. To reverse these trends, rural dwellers need better ways to manage existing tree resources and to create new sources of forest products. Social forestry programs significantly contribute to helping rural people meet these needs. Some programs have been particularly effective. They have helped people improve the availability, quality, and use of resources. Unfortunately, these successful efforts normally reach only a small portion of those in need. In this policy brief, we examine the issues and look at policies affecting the expansion of social forestry program impacts. We also discuss how to assess expansion strategies."
social forestry--developing countries