Land Speculation, Rural Land Markets Operations and the Effects on Forest Lands in Thailand
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"Forest reserves in Thailand have been mostly encroached upon by the rural people is well known. At present, it is estimated that over 12 million people illegally occupied forest reserved areas of over 40 million rai. In fact, much of these areas have been settled and used for decades. Land selling has found to be more common than before although these lands have no legal documents. Since the start of the economic-boom period (i.e., 1987-1991), sales of forest/public lands have increasingly been active. Policy makers fear that farmers who sell their lands will quickly and unproductively spend their money and then will move on to clear new lands from the remaining natural forests, both protected and reserved to farm. So far, very little is known about the extent and the socio-economic effects of land speculation and the land transactions in Thailand. This paper will attempt to throw some light on the important issue of land market operations and speculation and the effects on forest lands. It will first discuss some major aspects of land speculation, land market operations and land prices. Then some prelimanary findings form the survey will be presented."
deforestation, common pool resources, rural development, land tenure and use, IASC