Mapping Livelihoods and Local Forests in the Indian Middle- Himalayas: Evidence from Field Surveys


"This paper summarises preliminary evidence on livelihood patterns and the nature of forest dependence in the Indian middle-Himalayas. The findings are based on extensive fieldwork and ground-truthing in 165 villages located amidst broad-leaf or coniferous forests. The ecology of the middle-Himalayas appeared to be in a phase of transition and change. Accessibility-shifts, improvement in literacy levels and changes in the occupation-structure have been ushered in. However, oral histories recorded in course of field-work clearly indicated that concomitant to these changes, the local forest resource base has started degrading. While there was ample evidence of awareness as regards the depleting forest stock, there was meager evidence of local or state action worthy enough to reverse these trends."



IASC, livelihoods, forest management, mapping, deforestation

