'Moderate Industrialization' and Commons: Alternative Development Strategy to Oil Palm Plantation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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"This study proposes 'Moderate Industrialization' strategy as partial adaptation of industrialization even as simultaneously maintaining local commons in order to realize sustainable community development. Traditionally Dayaks, the indigenous people in Kalimantan, have been lived self-sufficiently by means of slash-and-burn agriculture, hunting, fishing and gathering non-timber forest products. They managed large customary land as local commons in a sustainable manner until 1960’s when there were plenty of natural resources and low population density. During 1970’s, however, large scale commercial logging changed this scenario. Since then, local people have been integrated into main stream economy as they started working in logging company and joining the illegal logging activities as well. Local commons were disturbed and deforestation ensued dramatically. In 2000’s, however, logging company activities declined because of forest resource-scarcity. The current central administration enforced restriction on illegal logging. This, however, resulted in economic hardships to the local people. In addition to this, large oil palm program implemented by a government agency with PIR scheme is coming up in this region. Now local people are required to adapt to this change. Even though oil palm could alleviate poverty and boost local economy, it is well known that this leads to negative environmental and social effects such as large-scale irreversible deforestation, biodiversity loss and wide ranging land disputes. This study introduces the concept of 'Moderate Industrialization' as an alternative strategy to oil palm plantations, which would be environmentally and socially sound strategy. This would be realized by establishing small, dispersed but modern high-yielding rubber blocks through UPP scheme. It is proposed that 'Moderate Industrialization' can play an important role in reviving local commons through meeting household economic needs and mitigating utilization pressure on natural resources. It can also facilitate local people to contribute positively to global commons concerns from the natural resources and biodiversity conservation point of view."



industrialization, rubber

