Restoration of Common Lands for Enhancing Livelihoods of Rural Communities: A Case Study of GO-NGO Collaboration in Andhra Pradesh, India
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"Common Property Resources (CPRs) are considered to be important life support systems for the rural economy affecting agriculture, livestock and various other livelihoods of communities. Grazing on the commons is crucial to the viability of most of the small and marginal holders in rain-fed farming systems across Andhra Pradesh (AP). However, production as well as productivity of the CPRs is declining in the state due to excessive exploitation of natural resources and poor management practices. More over, the very existence of CPRs is under threat due to lack of comprehensive policy on their management with no specific rights or responsibilities assigned to the communities and encroachments. In the above context, a collaborative arrangement between the Rural Development Department of Government of Andhra Pradesh and NGO networks was established for strengthening the efforts to conserve, develop and protect common lands through community involvement in two districts; Anantapur and Chittoor under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). This paper discusses about the processes involved in the collaboration, community organization, strengthening the Village Institutions, natural resources development (NRM) and livelihoods enhancement. The outcome shows that there has been an encouraging community participation in planning and execution of CPR plans besides establishing inter phase between CPRs and livelihoods though there is a need for bringing convergence with other line departments involved in rural development."
natural resources, livelihoods, collaboration, common pool resources, land tenure and use, NGOs