Environment, Institutions and Society in the Management of Common-Pool Resources: Linking IAD Framework with the Concept of Social Capital
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"Since using IAD framework significantly helped researchers in empirical analysis of common-pool resources ranging from local to global scale, it is not surprising that it is now widely appreciated as a major analytical tool. A second fundamental concept rising in the last fifteen years is social capital. Its application field seems also wide, and range from economic development analysis to comparative researches on institutional performance, to studies regarding collective action. Social capital includes elements like internalized values, relations, trustworthiness of social environment, and local institutions. My proposal is to range them in a scale of increasing collective action difficulty, i.e. the higher is the place held in the scale, the greater is the need of collective action both to create and maintain the element.
"The paper inquires the possible links existing between the two schemes, starting from the analysis of factor of both social and institutional origin affecting actors interacting in the action arena. My proposal is indeed to characterize those factors using the concept of social capital. The main aim is to show that - considering social capital elements and the relations among them as factors affecting the action arena, and analyzing the feedback effects illustrated by the IAD framework - it is possible to reach a greater evidence in explaining performances in CPRs management situations. Empirical examples are provided, showing the possibility of application of the new scheme."
IASC, common pool resources--theory, institutional analysis--IAD framework, collective action--theory, social capital--theory, Workshop