Instituty i etnogenez: institutionalnoe vosproizvodstvo etnicheskoy identichnosti v lokalnyh soobshchstvah [Institutions and Ethnogenesis: Institutional Reproduction of Ethnic Identity in Local Communities]
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IPO PI Southern Federal University Press
For most Post-Soviet states, including Russia, the institutional tasks of constructing a stable nationhood is real and urgent. Resolving this is complicated not only by economic, cultural and political transitions, but also by the ambiguity and complexity of ethnogenesis in the transformed socio-political space. The importance of understanding institutional reproduction of ethnic identity for social knowledge and socio-political practices in Russia, are taken into account. These factors are important to create stable social measures of preventive and practical influence, against ethnic separatism and ethnoreligious extremism. The author addresses questions, which are not researched will in contemporary science.
This monograph is for sociologists, philosophers, anthropologists, teachers of the humanities and social sciences and all those who are interested in understanding ethnicity and ethnogenesis in contemporary society.
ethnicity, institutions