Trends in Forestry Legislation: Western Europe

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"The increasingly complex regulatory framework reflects the multiple roles of forests in sustainable development. It raises new issues with regard to the respective role of the public and private sectors, to the rights of landowners facing external demands, and to compensation arrangements between forest enterprises, user groups and public entities. Incentive and process-steering instruments have gained more weight in order to enable more efficient decision-making processes on sustainable forest resources management, balancing local, national and supra-national requirements. This contribution reviews the present situation of forestry legislation in Western European countries, examines important issues regulated in forest laws, discusses briefly the role of European Community legislation, and identifies significant trends in recent laws addressing forest conservation and sustainable forest management. The list of legislative texts which have been reviewed is included at the end. It is followed by a bibliography containing references on general developments in the region as well as country specific references."



forest law, public--private, forest policy, regulation, user groups, incentives, sustainability

