In Defence of the Property of the Common
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"...the biggest challenge before us is how to get the poverty stricken communities who depend on their forest to embrace conservation and concept of sustainability and participate effectively on the management of the environment. This depends on our ability to provide alternate sources of livelihood. A position by WEMPCO [Western Metals Products Company Limited] for instance, where deforestation is presented as development will be destructive except better understood and resisted by communities, who then will demand that their resources are better managed by all. The environment in general and the rainforest in particular is our common property. What affects our rainforest is bound to affect us all in the world. I seek your support to NGOCE [NGO Coalition for the Environment] towards preventing the destruction of a part of this global treasure - in the Cross River State of Nigeria. What NGOCE has now is a vision, drive and courage. Also, a membership that is concerned about environmental issues. But we lack proper education in environmental matters. There is no member in the group who has an environmental science background. Thus the need for a sound technical base in this area. We require skills for effective organizational building and capacity strengthening."
IASC, forestry, land tenure and use, property rights, NGOs