Management Devolution and the Sustainability of Irrigation: Results of Comprehensive versus Partial Strategies
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From the Author's Introduction:
"This paper focuses on the basic organizational elements which are included in devolution itself. Two questions are addressed. First, what is the essential set of elements (rights, responsibilities and powers) which should be included in a devolution program so that it will result in an effective and sustainable result, and if so, what are these elements? The second question is, what are the outcomes of devolution efforts which do and do not contain this essential set of elements?
"This paper argues that the following five characteristics are essential for any irrigation management devolution program, if the objective is to produce sustainable improvements in the performance of irrigated agriculture. Where any of the characteristics are missing, the results will be correspondingly sacrificed.
1. a sustainable water right vested in a legally recognized WUA.
2. an agreed irrigation service.
3. balance between responsibility and authority devolved.
4. devolution of integrated management responsibility.
5. adequate incentives and sanctions to ensure accountability."
IASC, irrigation--comparative analysis, devolution--comparative analysis, resource management, property rights, institutional design