The Extent and Nature of the CPRs in the Northeast

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"The Common Property Resources (CPRs) are important sources of livelihood to rural households in general and to the rural poor in particular. They are the livelihood both tangible and intangible of thousands of people. Far from being an exception to this, since most North Eastern States are on a hilly terrain inhabited by tribals, the CPRs play a more important role in people’s livelihood in this region than in the rest of India. The North Eastern economy is agrarian. Agriculture is the principal means of livelihood of most of its people 47.4 percent of whom are cultivators and 11.41 percent earn their livelihood as agricultural labourers. Table 2 shows the significance of land as a source of livelihood of the people of the Northeast. Thus, agriculture occupies an important place in the economy of the region but other sectors are neglected. 70 to 75 percent of the workforce of the region depends on the primary sector against 66 percent in India as a whole. More than 20 percent depend on the tertiary sector. These figures show the importance of CPRs as a source of livelihood of people of the region."



common pool resources, livelihoods, rural affairs, households

