When Communities Collide: Sorting Out the Partners in Co-Management of British Columbian Fisheries
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"'Co-management' is a pervasive theme in current debates about appropriate institutional arrangements for managing fisheries in British Columbia, as elsewhere in Canada - and the world. This paper addresses a question that is central to the co-management debate in this and other complex, industrialized fisheries: When there are many claimants to rights in the fishery, how are the legitimate claimants to be selected and how are their rights to be defined?...
"After discussing the factors that have enabled these particular fisheries to rather readily develop co-management arrangements, the paper briefly reviews the potential and actual principles and practices for determination of legitimate claimants groups and the nature of their rights. The paper also considers some of the implications of shifting the emphasis in allocation of the benefits of a fishery away from rights to share in access and toward rights to share in output."
IASC, fisheries, co-management, property rights