Lessons from Self-Initiated Forest Protection Systems in India: An Eye-Opener to CPR Studies

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"The Indian experience of self-initiated forest protection reveals that given the enabling policy environment, such groups can not only manage to regenerate degraded natural forests but rapidly expand conservation efforts to other areas. We must learn from the social dynamics of all such experiences and incorporate them to strengthen the ongoing JFM effort. Extensive documentation of existing practices and their analysis is required to understand the community perceptions and dynamics regarding conservation need to be carried out. The Government of India must take immediate steps to motivate and provide incentives to such groups as per their cultural purview as well as establish high-level committees to inquire into the constraints faced by such communities. Merely establishing formal organisation without the much need institutional backup would not help the process. Providing the new community institutions the much-desired social input, legal back up and appropriate technical inputs would go a long way in managing India's forest resources successfully."



IASC, common pool resources, forest management--case studies, community forestry, institutions, conservation, joint management

