Trust as a Factor in Canal Performance: Organizational and Technological Conditions

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"The performance of canal Irrigation systems depends, in part, on trust by farmers in the good faith and abilities of irrigation officials. In India, this trust is typically lacking; there is, instead, a 'syndrome of anarchy' under the canals, in which farmers lack the confidence that if they refrain from taking water out of turn they will get water on time, and official s lack confidence that if they work conscientiously to get the water on 'time, farmers will refrain from rule-breaking. To break the syndrome, changes need to be made in the relationship between 0 & M and construction; in the source of the 0 & M budget; and in the geographical scope of the 0 & M organization. The East Asian Irrigation Associations provide an example of the direction in which institutional changes might sensibly be made. Changes In physical design can also help; particularly the punctuation of the hydraulic system at a point within the ken of farmers."



canals, irrigation, water resources, trust

