Land Laws, Minerals, and Development: A Case for Legislative Innovations
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"Debates on legal reform and legal pluralism with respect to the role of law for sustainable development and poverty reduction have mostly focused on natural resources such as land, water, and forests. Despite the fact that millions of the poor in India eke out livelihoods by mining and processing major and minor minerals, this is an area that has so far been neglected both by researchers and activists. Economic liberalization in India is resulting in liberalizing of mineral and mining laws to the detriment of the interests of the vast numbers of poor employed in this sector. There are also several communities who have traditionally been involved in mining activities who are not protected by existing and newly emerging legal frameworks. The paper provides an overview of small and informal (artisanal) mining in India from a legal perspective and argues for new legal mechanisms to protect the interests of the poor dependent on mining and minerals for their livelihoods."
research, theory, sociology