Afforestation of Village Common Lands: The Case of Aslali Village Woodlot in Gujarat
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"This paper presents an overview of the village woodlot (VW)component of the Community Forestry Project (CFP) of the Forest Department (FD) of the Government of Gujarat and the findings of a case study of a VW in Ahmedabad district of the State. The overview revealed that the VW scheme was planned and administered well by the FD. The case study showed that the Aslali VW scheme was technically and administratively feasible and financially viable. The benefit-cost ratio at the ten percent discount rate ranged from 2.22 to 2.69 and the financial internal rate of return (IRR) from 39 to 43 percent. The village panchayat (VP)received a substantial amount of income, over Rs.78,000, from the woodlot and used the money to augment the supply of drinking water in the village and for replantation of the harvested area. The villagers benefitted from the fuel wood, datoons, and grass either collected free of cost from the VW or bought at a highly subsidised price. The study demonstrated that afforestation of village guachars which are often degraded and produce nothing can bring about substantial benefits to the village community and that government intervention in managing of village common lands can avert 'the tragedy of the commons.'"
village organization, community forestry, woodlands, common pool resources