Islamic Law and the Development of Agricultural Settlement in Oman; On the Question of Tradition and Development


"The term Islam comes from the 'slm' root in Arabic. From a religious point of view that has to do with worship, worship in the sense of submitting oneself to what is given by God. Islam literally means 'submission', 'resignation', from the verb 'aslama', 'to resign oneself'. The submissive principle will also apply to Islamic Law because in Islam Law and religion is fundamentally the same thing. There is no difference between law and religion. They are both revelations of the will of God. Islamic law is 'Sharia' which literally means 'way', 'road', 'track', or 'path', originally the 'path' or 'track' by which the camels were taken to the drinking place, but the idea of Islam as guidance, as showing the correct 'way' or 'road' is a very important notion in the Quran. The 'Al Fatiha' the opening chapter (sura) of the Quran reads: 'Show us the straight way' - 'Guide us in the straight path' which is repeated at each of the five times of prayer."



IASC, common pool resources, Islam, law, agriculture

