Marine Protected Areas in India
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"In 2004, the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP7) to the CBD agreed that marine and coastal protected areas, implemented as part of a wider marine and coastal management framework, are one of the essential tools for the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity. The meeting noted that marine and coastal protected areas have been proven to contribute to (a) protecting biodiversity; (b) sustainable use of components of biodiversity; and (c) managing confl ict, enhancing economic well-being and improving the quality of life. Following on this, Parties to the CBD subsequently agreed to bring at least 10 per cent of the world's marine and coastal ecological regions under protection by 2012. In 2006, only an estimated 0.6 per cent of the world's oceans were under protection.
"While numerous studies have examined the ecological and biological impacts of MPAs, few have focused on their social implications for communities and other stakeholders in the area who depend on fisheries resources for a livelihood. A particular MPA may be both a 'biological success' and a 'social failure', devoid of broad participation in management, sharing of economic benefits, and confl ict-resolution mechanisms. Clearly, for MPAs to be effectively managed, it is essential to consider the social components needed for the long-term benefits of coastal communities.
"It is in this context that the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) commissioned studies in six countries to understand the social dimensions of implementing MPAs, with the following specific objectives:
--to provide an overview of the legal framework for, and design and implementation of, MPAs;
--to document and analyze the experiences and views of local communities, particularly fishing communities, with respect to various aspects of MPA design and implementation; and
--to suggest ways in which livelihood concerns can be integrated into the MPA Programme of Work, identifying, in particular, how local communities, particularly fishing communities, could engage as equal partners in the MPA process."
protected areas, marine resources, biodiversity, sustainability, resource management, fisheries