Would a Fair Trade Approach to Community Forest Certification Be Feasible? A Framework for Discussion

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From the introduction: "Several authors have called for consideration of a Fair Trade version of forest certification aimed at community-based forestry in the global South. I propose a preliminary framework for exploring how a fair trade approach to community forest certification might be structured. First, the potential should be explored to build strategically on the existing FSC certification framework and to seek compatibility with its overall principles and commitments so that a fair trade initiative could emerge from within or alternatively, be publicly sponsored by FSC. Second, like Fair Trade, a community forestry certification should aim to modify conventional trade relations, searching for ways to more equitably share certification costs and accountability among actors in the commodity chain. Third, a suitable interstice should be sought along the certified wood commodity chain within which buyers have appropriate interests in developing a certified community forest product market. Fourth, certified wood products need to be identified or developed which can sustain more direct ties between Northern end-consumers and Southern community producers. Finally, commercialization strategies might seek to combine development of direct Northern end consumer-Southern community producer relationships with select targeting of institutional buyers."



IASC, community forestry, trade, certification, coffee, timber, fairness

