Property Entitlements and Land Reform in Upland Thai Catchments
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"Issues involved in processes of land reform in degraded upland catchment areas in Thailand include property entitlements over local resource complexes, and the roles of local communities in relation to State agency and commercial stakeholders. An inquiry into collaborative action between stakeholders in an upland Thai catchment has been used as an example of the process of defining property entitlements to the bundles of opportunities for management.
"This paper draws upon recent conceptual advances concerning property entitlements, particularly as these relate to common-pool resources, and the complex bundle of opportunities for collective and collaborative management in upland catchments. A processual view of collective and collaborative action is the way in which interests are expressed as claims and ultimately translated into entitlements which specify rights to streams of benefits, and associated duties, in relation to a particular resource complex. Social and bureaucratic institutions will influence the way in which stakeholders can participate and interact in this process."
property rights, land tenure and use, catchments, land degradation, common pool resources