The Concept of Coproduction and its Implications for Public Service Delivery

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"Contrary to most economic theory, consumers are not always easily distinguished from producers, particularly in the consumption and production of public services. Consumers of public safety add to their consumption and add to the community's supply of public safety by installing extra locks and outdoor lighting to their homes, changing living patterns to decrease exposure to attack, training in methods of self-defense, joining with neighbors to patrol the neighborhood, and providing police with details about criminal incidents. Consumers of fire protection increase their own safety by clearing away flammable materials, installing home fire alarms, and volunteering to fight fires with local fire companies. Consumers of educational services increase their consumption by teaching themselves and their own children, monitoring their children's progress in school, and volunteering as teacher aids. Consumers of clean environments increase their consumption by hauling trash to dump sites, recycling household waste, packaging household waste and carrying it to the curbside for pickup, and participating in community clean up campaigns. Consumers can thus increase the amount and/or quality of services they consume by directly contributing to their production."



Workshop, service delivery, coproduction, economic theory, institutional analysis

