The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture

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"The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 1996 aims to do this by providing consolidated global information about recent developments in the sector and possible future trends. "The first section reports on trends in world production, utilization and trade of fish and fishery products (recent developments in aquaculture are reviewed separately). The section continues by reporting on the status and recent developments affecting four major issues in fisheries: fishing capacity; by-catch and discards; environmental degradation; uncertainty and risk. The section ends with a brief outlook for the fisheries sector. "The second section presents a study of marine fishery landings data for the period 1950 to 1994. The study examines time series of landings data for about 200 major resources using a generalized fishery development model and shows that the overall development during the period comprised a reduction of fisheries in the underdeveloped phase and increases in the proportions of those in mature and senescent phases. The potential for further development is examined for each ocean. "The third section contains a review of recent developments in fisheries and aquaculture by geographical region. For this purpose the world has been divided into eight regions: the South Pacific, East Asia, Europe (including the independent European republics of the former USSR), Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, the Near East and North Africa, South and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. "In the fourth section the fishery activities, including those carried out in cooperation with FAO, of 14 country groupings are reported in a summarized form."



fisheries, marine resources, aquaculture, resource management

