Urban Policy Analysis: An Institutional Approach
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From the introduction:
The term 'study guide' is indefinite enough to require an explanation of who might find this volume useful and why. This study guide draws upon a large notebook of materials I originally prepared for the 1973-74 National Science Foundation Chautauqua-Type Short Course program for college teachers. I filled
that notebook with materials college teachers could use in courses on public policy analysis, urban politics, and social sciences methodology.
"During the summer of 1974, I was asked by the American Association for the Advancement of Science to prepare a study guide from the materials contained in the large notebook. This volume was then issued as a test edition and used in conjunction with the Chautauqua course I taught during the 1974-75 academic year. The comments of a number of readers of that edition have been helpful in substantially revising the study guide for the current version.
"A variety of individuals may find this guide useful. The guide could be used as the textbook for a section of a course on urban politics, metropolitan government, public policy analysis, or social science
methodology. The guide could be used for an independent readings course by an advanced undergraduate or entering graduate student. The guide
might also be useful to a group of citizens appointed to a local government study commission who wish to do some basic readings before undertaking their own study in their own community."
policy analysis, institutional analysis, urban affairs, surveys--methodology, Workshop