Bring People Together for Watershed Restoration: The Coquille Watershed Restoration Model
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"The Coquille Watershed contains the largest coastal river organizing within the coastal range of Oregon. The Coquille River presently supports over 57 species of fish including; coho, spring and fall chinook salmon, resident and sea run cutthroat trout, winter steelhead, and a remnant population of chum salmon. Coho salmon have been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
"Many factors including habitat alterations, harvests, hatchery introductions, and ocean conditions have led to the decline of many Coquille River fish stocks. Habitat changes since European settlement began in the mid 1800s, including logging and log transport, road building, draining, and diking for agriculture and urbanization have all contributed to the decline of fish stocks and water quality within the watershed.
"The recognition of habitat problems as a key limiting factor for fish production and water quality led to the formation of the Coquille Watershed Association (CWA) in early 1994. The formation of the CWA was another step in a 20 year local effort to address habitat problems through restoration of natural processes.
"The CWA is organized as a non-profit corporation and is governed by a 28 member executive council representing landowners and stakeholders within the watershed and works by consensus.
"The goals of the CWA include creating water quality conditions that will meet Clean Water Act standards and enhancing native fish survival and production through public and private partnerships.
"To reach those goals the CWA has organized a technical advisory group, developed a action plan which addresses limiting factors and sets priorities for identifying, prioritizing, coordinating, accomplishing, and monitoring restoration projects and educational efforts. To date, the CWA has generated over $3.5 million in public and private funding to implement projects. Some key projects are riparian restoration through fencing and planting, wetland development, the addition of large channel wood and rock, off-channel livestock watering and over 60 educational tours."
IASC, common pool resources, river basins, wildlife, sustainability, watersheds, trout, water users' associations, ecosystems, water quality