Relative Stresses on Community Managed Irrigation: Resources of Chitwan Valley, Nepal


"This paper presents comparative analysis of stresses on three types of community managed irrigation systems located in Chitwan Valley, Nepal, namely irrigation systems managed by Thary community, those managed by hill migrants (Pahadiyas) and those operated and managed collectively by the Tharus and Pahadiyas. The stresses on these systems have been defined and evaluated in terms of changes over time in water supply, cropping system, repair and maintenance needs and resource mobilization. Several socio-ecological changes have taken place in Chitwan Wally overtime which have differential effects on the three types of irrigation systems. Among them rapid deforestation and settlement of the migrants have been the major events. An analysis has also been made to compare the stress coping mechanisms and performance of the three types of irrigation systems. The indigenous knowledge of the local communities in the design, operation, and management of the irrigation systems and their organizational capabilities have been outlines. The paper also outlines the issues pertaining to the sustainability of the three types of irrigation systems. A section of the paper also describes the experiences of the researchers in designing information, gathering tools and methodology adopted in the study."



irrigation, common pool resources, deforestation, agriculture, IASC

