Drought and Adaptation Styles with that in Nomads (South East of Iran): EFA Methodology
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"This research was anticipated that would be exploratory, aiming to drive the factor structure of adaptation styles with drought in Nomads. In quantitative phase of study, a questionnaire was developed. Prior to the application of EFA, two checks of internal reliability and validity were undertaken. In order to measure the reliability Cronbach Alpaha coefficients were calculated for the main scales of the questionnaire ranging from 82-96 percent. Face and content validity of the instrument were established, refined using an expert panel. The total population of Nomads in Roudbar and Jiroft Thonwships located in southern of Kerman Province was 4606 Nomad ̛s family of whom 173 families were selected using stratified sampling with proportional assignment (n=173). Time delimitation of the study was the late of 2007 until 2010. Finally adaptation styles with drought explained via EFA method."
drought, adaptation, sustainability, nomads