Policies, Institutions and Governance Challenges of Irrigation in Twenty-First Century
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"Research on irrigation management has cumulated a rich body of knowledge on irrigation governance, institutions and management. This new knowledge has provided the basis for major changes in irrigation policies in the last two decades, including management transfer programs, assistance to farmer-managed irrigation systems, and irrigation financing. In the beginning of 21st century, however, additional broader related issues have surfaced which include: How to respond to the competition for water resource itself among different sectors; what aspects of institutional reforms deal with related to governance and management of water resources; and how irrigation management can be made pro-poor responding to livelihood sustenance; among others. In an effort address these challenges thoroughly so as to provide a firm foundation for confronting them effectively, following five themes need to be addressed: (1) The processes of globalization, industrialization, and urbanization are all generating immense pressures for a transition from earlier political, economic, and social institutions to new arrangements in all sectors. (2) Competition for resources-particularly water-will increase throughout the world over time leading to immense conflicts unless substantial innovations occur. (3) Institutional reforms are among the most important innovations that are needed to meet these challenges. (4) Markets will be a more important aspect of water management in the future that they have been in the past. (5) Strategic policies conducive to govern and manage water resources effectively in light of transition, competition, institutional and market reform era. These themes will be discussed in the paper by identifying and documenting the changes of the context of global irrigation management; assessing how these macro changes affect the incentives, opportunities, and constraints of farmers at the local level; and explaining how and why farmers in different settings have adjusted, or failed to adjust, their local irrigation in responses to the changing context."
IASC, Workshop, irrigation, farmer-managed irrigation, competition, institutions