Conflicting Policies: Institutional Approaches Towards Decentralization and Governance of Common Pool Resources in Kenya

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"Decentralization refers to ‘any act by which a central government cedes rights of decision making over resources to actors and institutions at lower levels in a politico-administrative and territorial hierarchy’. Kenya’s history of a highly centralized forest governance regime has recently seen a shift in policy and legislation authorizing decentralization in the sector. But what is it that gets decentralized in the forestry and natural resources sectors? And is decentralization effective in meeting the goals of equity, sustainability and poverty reduction in an environment characterized by conflicting policies? This paper attempts to answer these questions. To understand the resource management outcomes of decentralized programs, the rights and capacities that are transferred to actors at lower levels were examined. Using both primary and secondary data from Mau and Arabuko sokoke forests in Kenya, an analysis was done to find out key roles played by relevant institutions in understanding what is expected to be decentralized, and what policy environments are required to ensure effectiveness of a decentralized forest resource management system. Results indicated that despite the similarities in ecology, prominence of both forests in local and national economies, and conservation of biological diversity, there are some sharp differences in the institutional regimes for their management. The study concludes that heterogeneity of stakeholders, which includes: Government institutions (Ministries), Parastatals (KWS & KFS), International organizations and NGOs have overlapping mandates and policies that affect the common pool resource management. The overlaps should be reduced to provide clear jurisdiction of governance and to enhance transparency in decision-making and equitable benefits distribution, which has for long been wanting."



decentralization, common pool resources, conflict

