Multilingual Behavior of Pesantren Immim Students in Makassar
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"This study aimed to determine 1) the pattern of language choice in various situations covering languages such as Indonesian, Arabic, English, and other local languages used at the Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) of IMMIM, 2) an overview of a linguistic phenomenon occuring at the Pesantren of IMMIM, and 3) the factors affecting students' languages selection. This study was part of a multimethod, multisite, or large-scale research approach. To meet the need of the article, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects were a group of 20 students who were purposively sampled to participate in this study. The instruments used to collect the data included observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed descriptively through a three-stage model, namely data display, data reduction, and data presentation and verification. The researcher found that 1) the pattern of language choice that was observed indicated that Indonesian was the instructional language for general school subjects and was used as a communication tool inside the classroom. Arabic was found to be the language hugely associated with Islamic subjects and also the language that must be used on certain days inside of pesantren. English was the language choice for the science subjects and must also be used on certain days. The local language was used to interact with students' families at the guest house during their visits to the pesantren; 2) aspects of monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, codeswitching, code-mixing, diglossia, interference and Peslanglish (Pesantren's Slang English) were observed which helped describe the overall linguistic situation at the pesantren; 3) the general factors affecting students' language selection were locations, topics, interlocutors, participants, and other determined factors (i.e., the students' educational backgrounds, motivation, habits, students' ages, mother tongues, teachers' educational backgrounds, and the environment)."