Understanding the Development of Co-Management in a Modern Fishery: Rock Lobster Management in New Zealand
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"Key issues in self-governance are why co-management organizations develop, and how the characteristics of the organization influence their success. Traditionally, it is argued that co-management regimes grow from long-lived community based regimes. Closely linked are the concepts of social capital and civic engagement which Putnam (1993) identifies as key to the development of democratic self-governing societies. However, it is also argued that the co-management can develop out of strong property rights regimes that provide incentives to take on co-management or self-management responsibilities. By examining a recent case where co- management has developed from a regime that included elements of bureaucracy-based regulation and of market-based regulation (ITQs), it is possible to tease out which of these variables drives the development of co- management in a setting similar to those that many industrialized fisheries face."
fisheries, community participation, institutional analysis, common pool resources, social capital