The Study of Land and Tree Tenure Rights on Agroforestry (Parak) System at Communal Land in West Sumatera, Indonesia

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"Forest and land rehabilitation programs in Indonesia tend to be sporadic and not sustainable; it is due to the lack of community participation in planting and maintaining of trees, especially in community lands. In West Sumatra, where the land is generally communal, the success of tree planting for the purpose above critical views of land and tree tenure. Incentive systems that are not clearly, directing people are reluctant to plant trees on communal lands and the state. Therefore this study aims to create incentive system based on tree tenure rights in communal lands and countries in West Sumatra. The findings here indicate on communal land, the rights existed at the tree basically vary according to local rules and objectives of tree planting. Individual rights basically high level but limited by the communal rights. Thus, for income purposes farmers prefer planting a non-timber producing trees. Therefore, for create incentive necessary need clarity between individual rights and communal interests where there is dominance of communal over individual interests. While at the state land, not clear defined of land and less benefits for individuals, but more benefits obtained indirectly as members of the communal."



agroforestry, land tenure and use, incentives, trees

