Grazing in the Bulilima Mangwe Natural Resource Management Area
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"This paper examines patterns of cattle grazing and ownership in a district in western Zimbabwe. It discusses some issues surrounding efforts to organise grazing in conjunction with the Natural Resources Management Project, CAMPFIRE (Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources). A major issue raised in this discussion is the problem of defining a community when dealing with a resource held under a common property regime like grazing. We point out that a close look at cattle holdings within the community, shows that there are many institutional actors and interests at work which need to be taken into account.
"This paper describes the history of the area and the background of the project. It examines patterns of cattle ownership and grazing It outlines and discusses some of the issues which have arisen in the course of the implementation of the NRMP/CAMPFIRE programme in Buhlima Mangwe district."
resource management, grazing, livestock, CAMPFIRE, common pool resources