Maximizing Research Impact through Institutional and National Open-Access Self- Achiving Mandates

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"No research institution can afford all the journals its researchers may need, so all articles are losing research impact (usage and citation). Articles made 'Open Access,' (OA) by self-archiving them on the web are cited twice as much, but only 15% of articles are being spontaneously self-archived. The only institution approaching 100% self-archiving are those that mandate it. Surveys show that 95% of authors will comply with a self-archiving mandate; the actual experience of institutions with mandates has confirmed this. What institutions and funders need to mandate is that (1) immediately upon acceptance for publication, (2) the author's final draft must be (3) deposited into the Institutional Repository. Only the depositing needs to be mandated; setting access privileges to the full-text as either OA or Restricted Access (RA) can be left up to the author. For articles published in the 93% of journals that have already endorsed self-archiving, access can be set as OA immediately; for the remaining 7% authors can email the eprint in response to individual email request automatically forwarded by the Repository."



information commons, open access

