Workshop Synthesis: Discussion and Outcome

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"In the workshop, not only the papers given but the subsequent sub-group discussions proved particularly useful for participants. For that reason an attempt to provide a sense of the direction discussions took is presented here. Most people had come to the workshop with a set of issues of particular concern to them in their work, but with little certainty that others shared these. The workshop organisers did not plan topics for sub-group discussion in advance because they too wondered how widely shared their personal interests were. To allow the organisers to draw up a set of topics of wide relevance to the group, participants were asked to write down the topics about which they would most like discussion to take place, ranking them by distributing ten points between the topics they selected. We grouped these into five broader topics, which are those addressed in this network paper: Better solutions for the poor, Rights, rules and hassles, NGOs and large-scale replicability, Marketing, Training and education for Forest Department staff."



NGOs, forest management, social forestry

