Hot Spots of Confusion: Contested Policies and Competing Claims in the Peatlands of Central Kalimantan (Indonesia)


"In the peatlands of Central Kalimantan, expectations of payments for carbon emission reduction currently shape the discourse over natural resource management as a means of influencing policy and exercising power. Discourses on ‘what is correct and what is not’ are embedded in a struggle over property rights and influence. This article examines the discursive strategies in the struggle over property rights in a failed development project (‘ex-Mega Rice Area’) in Central Kalimantan and traces their changes and development in justification for policy influence in the face of REDD implementation. Different types of actors have their own choice of argument and interpretation of facts, rules and norms over the disputed issue. Shifting national policies affect the distribution of power that shape the practice and use of forest peatland. This case study can help to provide directions and outline the key issues that need to be addressed in targeting climate change mitigation efforts."



decentralization, REDD, land tenure and use

