People's Organization Attributes and Institutional Viability of Selected Community-Based Forest Management Projects in Region 2, Philippines
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"The Philippine forestry situation today is in a state of ecological imbalance. There had been continuous deforestation with only 5 million hectares left in 1994 of which 800,000 hectares remained as old growth forests compared to an area of 14 million hectares of forest cover in 1950 (DENR-NRMP II). This problem is caused primarily by the uncontrolled access to forestland, lack of tenure over occupied lands, illegal logging and lack of local authority over forestlands. To resolve these issues, the government, under its programs in the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development (PSSD), has mandated the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to implement Administrative Order No. 96-29, the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Executive Order No. 263, otherwise known as the Community Based Forest Management Strategy (CBFMS).
"The Community-Based Forest Management Program (CBFMP was first piloted in the Cagayan Valley Region (Region 02) in 1992 96. The goals of the program include promoting the sustainable management of forest resources, the social justice and improved well-being of local communities, and the strong partnership among local communities through the Peoples Organizations (POs) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Consequently, as of CY 2002, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in the Cagayan Valley Region (Region 2) has converted 108 people-oriented project sites with 59 having been awarded the Community- Based Forest Management Agreement(CBFMA) since 1994.
"Therefore, an assessment of the Peoples Organizations influence in the institutionalization of the program towards the attainment of the above-mentioned goals will provide insights on its trajectory particularly in its success and sustainability. The discourse and deconstruction of the various quantitative and qualitative information that answered the what, how, when, where, why, for/by whom, and other questions on the POs contributions are useful in formulating various mitigating and/or enhancement measures. Such information is also useful in devising strategies for a more successful and sustainable implementation of CBFM progam not only in Region 02 but also in the country in general."
IASC, forest management--case studies, community participation--case studies, deforestation, institutions, leadership