The Role of Agri-environment Measures in Promoting Co-ordinated Land Management in Large Conservation Areas
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"Agri-environment schemes (AESs) have been implemented across a substantial number of countries since the mid 1980s. More recently, there has been a major shift of emphasis in biodiversity conservation away from the protection of individual sites towards Large Conservation Areas (LCAs). This implies a requirement for the co-ordination and management of land uses at a scale in excess of that normally managed by individual owners. There is some developing experience of the implementation of collaborative agri-environment agreements but closer integration is also required in some contexts. We identify three degrees of integration between informal co-ordination and full conservation ownership, representing differing degrees to which property may be blended in across ownerships. Large scale initiatives will adopt combinations of these degrees of integration. We discuss the ways in which institutions may be developed in support of this integration and the implications for funding and policy."
agricultural development, conservation, property rights, biodiversity, rural development--policy, IASC